Friday, November 21, 2008

How to make a Gamjajeon

The “Gamjajeon” is a Korean style pancake. You want to eat “Gamjajeon.” You don’t buy Gamjajeon. You should make Gamjajeon because making a “Gamjajeon” is more delicious than buying “Gamjajeon.” The “Gamjajeon” is make a easy food. First, you are prepare ingredients for “Gamjajeon.” You peel potato, after grind potato. You slice onion, carrot, chili peppers, and garlic chives. Next, make the frying fan hot, and drop small amount vegetable oil. Put ground potato in the hot frying fan, and slice vegetables on the ground potato. The last step, is to grill the ground potato and sliced vegetables until its will chang golden brown color. If you follow this cooking recipe, you made delicious “Gamjajeon.”

1 comment:

SoPPy~! said...

Hi! Came across your blog while looking for a Gamjajeon recipe!